Cursus Cultural Analysis of Disability bij UvA


This seminar centres around a new analytical perspective on disability: Cultural Analysis of Disability. This approach emphasizes the idea that disability theory has implications and effects beyond the health and/or social policy sector, and that it becomes productive for the analysis of culture at large. Cultural Analysis of Disability is not an established discipline with a fixed methodology. Rather, it is an interdisciplinary research practice that understands the dialogue between bodies, disability experience, and theory as a productive and malleable field of cultural production and self-reflection.

This seminar is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach to disability in the social, cultural, political, artistic, ethical, and medical spheres and their intersections. The aim of the course is to bring together people from different disciplines, and approach disability as a concept using the analytical tools of cultural analysis, where interdisciplinarity is encouraged under a socially and politically responsible outlook. While the focus will be academic, cross-disciplinary collaborations of artistic production, social engagement, and academic analysis are greatly welcome; we hope that the seminar will provide the grounds for the advancement of critical disability studies in the Netherlands.


Voor wie: research master en PhD studenten van alle studierichtingen en universiteiten in Nederland met interesse in het onderwerp 'Cultural Analysis of Disability'. 
Periode: 4 februari t/m 24 maart 2016
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Kick-off avond

De cursus startte met een openbaar toegankelijke kick-off avond op 4 februari 2016.

Agenda-item 'Who's afraid of Disability?'

Bijlage Grootte
Handout 'Who's afraid of disability?' 4.68 MB