DSiN Research and PhD meetings 2019 -2


We invite you hereby kindly to join our Disability Studies in Nederland Research and PhD meetings 2019. 

We organize these meetings at the VU Amsterdam to give (PhD)-researchers connected to DSiN the opportunity to exchange and learn. Students, researchers (of the future) can meet and discuss on their plans and interests in research in the Disability Studies field. 

Please feel welcome to forward this invitation to other researchers. All it takes to attend our meetings is to sign up for meeting and lunch (let us know if there are any special dietary needs). Signing up can be done by mail to angela.stellaard@disabilitystudies.nl

We start at 11:00 and finish at 13:00. We provide not only lunch, but also food for discussion. We will keep you posted on the exact location (room), the speaker and the content of the presentation.

Besloten / Open

Please let us know if you can/will join us. This way we know which room to book and how much lunch to prepare. 

Signing up can be done by mail to angela.stellaard@disabilitystudies.nl
