3rd International Disability Studies Conference 'The Art of Belonging'


All information about the 3rd International Disability Studies Conference 'The Art of Belonging' can be found on the (former) congress page on this website. This information is no longer updated, but kept for archival purpose.


 All presentations of the 3rd International Disability Studies Conference 'The Art of Belonging' can be downloaded on this page. These include the presentations of the pre-conference workshops, keynotes and mini-keynotes.

(Not all presenters have made their presentation available for download).


Photo impression of the conference (Google Photos)

Photos of the presentations (Google Photos)

Another selection of photos can be found on Facebook.

Impression movie

Kennisplein Gehandicaptensector made an impression movie of the conference with interviews of Dutch and international participants, keynote speakers & visitors. 

Impression movie (English subtitles)

Impression movie (only Dutch)


Sofie Sergeant tells in a YouTube video (in Dutch) about the approach of the Disability Studies conference.

Dinnerstory - I am so I belong

The performance of Margriet van Kampenhout during the conference dinner has been filmed (in English with dutch subtitles) and can be watched on YOU TUBE. In her 20 minutes dinner story Margriet highlighted some memorable initiatives people take to make themselves and others feel and be respected members of their community.


The program contains the schematic overview and time table.

The conference book includes all the keynotes, co-speakers, presentations, workshops, art program, introduction to the streams, conference dinner and general information. 

Social media

We received many reactions, quotes and pictures on social media: #theartofbelonging2017


We like to thank the following companies and organizations who sponsored this conference:

ASVZ, Koninklijke Auris Groep, Dovenschap, EMGO+, Esdégé-Reigersdaal, Gemeente Amsterdam, 's Heeren Loo, Heliomare, Kenniscentrum Zorginnovatie, Instituut GAK, Ipse de Bruggen, Joke Witsen Schilderijen, Kennisplein Gehandicaptensector, Koninklijke Kentalis, Kwintes, Leprastichting, Nederlandse Dove Jongeren, Philadelphia, Reinaerde, United by Music, VUmc, De Zijlen, ZonMW.