Publicatie in het International Public Health Journal

Het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift 'International Public Health Journal' (2014, volume 6, nummer 4) heeft een special issue gewijd aan het thema 'Quality of life in a social context'. Eén van de artikelen in dit nummer is van Alice Schippers (DSiN) en Lieke van Heumen (Institute on Disability and Human Development, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA) met als titel 'The inclusive city through the lens of Quality of life'.

Abstract of the article

In the city of Almere in the Netherlands, social policies are directed towards creating an inclusive society in which all citizens have the opportunities and resources necessary to participate fully in economic, social, and cultural activities that are considered the societal norm. Active citizenship, empowerment of persons with disabilities and partnerships between disability and mainstream organizations are the most important criteria for local practices in pursuit of this inclusive society. Social inclusion simultaneously incorporates multiple dimensions of the quality of life framework. This paper will discuss through the lens of the quality of life framework several inclusive policies and practices as they  relate to employment, education, welfare and leisure in the city of Almere. Furthermore, the paper will describe how these policies and practices lead to a coherent programme that contributes to valuable outcomes for persons with intellectual disabilities. Throughout the course of this paper the involvement of Almere’s citizens with and without disabilities and the partnerships needed in realizing inclusion will be of particular interest.