New ideas and contacts at the Lorentz workshop

From 28 Aug. through 1 Sep. 2017 the Lorentz workshop 'Included in Training and Work: Transforming Policies and Practices for Disabled People' took place at the Lorentz Centre in Leiden. 25 Participants collaborated during an inspiring week, shared knowledge and ideas, and broadened their network. During this week, invited guest speakers talked about a variety of subjects. Several preliminary documents and presentations were created by the participants about the topics they were working on.

These presentations and photos can now be found online!

Go to the dedicated Lorentz workshop part of this website (Menu Onderwijs --> Lorentz workshop) for these and other Lorentz related information.

Participants will also find their preparatory information there.


A brief report has been made for the Lorentz Centre, which includes a summary of the upcoming projects that resulted from the conference.

The final report will be distributed to a long list of policymakers, practitioners and Disabled Peoples Organisations. It will be formally presented to, and discussed with the UWV, the Dutch government department for benefits and work, at a special pre-conference workshop right before Disability Studies in Nederland's 3rd Annual Disability Studies conference. There will be a conference presentation highlighting areas of research priority that emerged from our workshop as well.

Upcoming events

Beside this, plans were born on the Lorentz Center Workshop to create a book together. After the DSiN Conference we will start writing. We will keep you informed via the DSiN-website! We are already looking forward to this wonderful initiative.

Blog on Kennisplein Gehandicaptensector

Henriëtte Sandvoort and Sofie Sergeant presented their participatory research project 'Samen werken, samen leren' during the Lorentz workshop. Henriëtte wrote a blog (in Dutch) about her experiences at the Lorentz workshop. In this blog you can also read about her life story, a presentation that Sofie and Henriëtte gave at the Hogeschool Utrecht and a meeting they had with researchers from the 'Kennisnetwerk NAH project'.