European Society for the Study of Theology and Disability

"Breaking down the dividing wall" on difference and diversity in disability
3rd bi-annual conference, June 29 - July 1, 2011, Schoorl, The Netherlands

It has been a frequent experience of people with disabilities and their organizations that the barriers for inclusion not only exist in society. They exist within the disability field as well. This experience challenges the notion of a disability ‘community.’ Recognizing the need for removing these barriers in order to enable genuine community, the conference focuses on difference and diversity among people with disabilities. Listening to their stories we will learn about different experiences. Reflecting upon these experiences from a theological perspective we will find the space for recognizing diversity.

Mensen met beperkingen hebben begrensde mogelijkheden om mee te doen in de samenleving. De barrières liggen echter niet alleen in de samenleving, maar bestaan ook tussen groeperingen van mensen met verschillende beperkingen onderling. Deze barrières ontstaan altijd daar waar de aandacht wordt gericht op de beperking. In deze conferentie gaat het om theologische kritiek op de uitsluiting van mensen die hierdoor wordt gevoed. Hoe ziet een theologische reflectie eruit die ‘diversiteit’ in plaats van ‘beperking’ als kernbegrip heeft?

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Hans Reinders (President),
Professor of Ethics, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
John Swinton (Vice-President),
Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, University of Aberdeen, Scotland,