Leverhulme International Network Symposium "Combating Young Disabled People's Worklessness"


Third Meeting Network expert group

This meeting will highlight the Dutch situation on Inclusion in society and Participation in Employment of Young People with disabilities from the Disability Studies (DS) perspective. In collaboration with colleagues from Disability Studies at the University of Leeds, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands the symposium will showcase What is ‘Good Practice’ and what ‘Needs to be improved’ in the Netherlands, as well as examples of good practice in Germany and Belgium. Topics we like to discuss with you are the importance of Personal budgets, employment and inclusive education.

This symposium offers a chance to further develop a network of academics concerned with transition from education to work for disabled young people.

Leverhulme Trust

The Leverhulme Trust, a major international philanthropic trust has supported a new network which aims to critically explore the nature, dynamics, knowledge base and possible solutions to young disabled people’s worklessness. The network will bring together key researchers, disabled peoples’ organisations and key policy stakeholders to further our understanding of the barriers and successful pathways to paid employment for disabled people. The network aims to bring together expertise from sociology, social policy, psychology, rehabilitation studies, labour market economics, public health, health geographies and youth studies to aid both substantive advances in knowledge and to reflect on the future value of inter-disciplinary working to address barriers to paid work. To do this the network will explore employment, labour markets, post-school education, transitions and vocational guidance and their intersection in supporting better pathways to paid work and valued alternatives.

The network began with an international symposium at Durham University (UK, Sept 2013). Other meetings are at Cornell University (USA, New York, Mrt, 2014) and Prague University (Jun. 2014). 
Details of past events are at: http://disability-transitions.leeds.ac.uk/

Network Chair: Prof. Alan Roulstone

Organising Committee Amsterdam: Alan Roulstone (University of Leeds), Edwin L. de Vos (DSiN) and Sarah Woodin (University of Leeds)



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