Active inclusion for young people with disabilities or health problems - Netherlands

Eurofound made a review of existing incapacity benefits aimed at young people of working age in the EU Member States, including data on the take-up of benefits. What is worrying is a relatively new trend indicating a significant increase in their take up among young people – in the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland.

The research shows that the reason for the increase has been predominantly various mental health problems. Research also indicates that debt is a much stronger risk factor for mental disorder than low income.

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Pages: 52

Document type: Report

Published: 01 November, 2011

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Author: De Vos, Edwin L.

Summary: In the Netherlands growing numbers of young people and adolescents are in receipt of special education, mental health care services and benefits because of long-term illness, handicap or chronic disease. The most alarming increase is in those covered by the Disablement Assistance Act for Handicapped Young Persons (Wajong). In 2001, 120,000 people received a Wajong benefit. By 2010, this figure had risen to almost 200,000.

An overview report is available for download.